Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Commagene And Nemrud

The great mojority of tourist, both Turkish and
forigign fınd Nemrut the most impressive sight
in Turkey.On this summit is found a hierothesion
a final resting pleace or tomb sanctuary of the
Commagene gods and kings.This place was
decleard to ve an international leagecy by
UNESCO 1987 and is considerd be the Eight Wonder of the WORLD.
The 2100 m. high summit of NEMRUT
lies in the Aantiurus range of mountais.
On this summit rises a gigantic tumulus
surround by teraces and monumental
statues whichwere created in the first half of the
First Century B.C. It was the pleace of regualar
plgrimages and ritualas during the time of the
Commagene Kingdom.These magnificent
monumentes hidden away from the eyes
of motuals during the subsenquent eighteen
centuries were discoverd in the quater of the last century.
Since the 1950 s Turkish German and
American scientits have been conducting
experimentes carrying out excavations and
researching various sites especially at the
sites of the two capitols of kingdom Somasota
and Arsemia and the Nemrud summit.

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