Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Commagene And Nemrud

The great mojority of tourist, both Turkish and
forigign fınd Nemrut the most impressive sight
in Turkey.On this summit is found a hierothesion
a final resting pleace or tomb sanctuary of the
Commagene gods and kings.This place was
decleard to ve an international leagecy by
UNESCO 1987 and is considerd be the Eight Wonder of the WORLD.
The 2100 m. high summit of NEMRUT
lies in the Aantiurus range of mountais.
On this summit rises a gigantic tumulus
surround by teraces and monumental
statues whichwere created in the first half of the
First Century B.C. It was the pleace of regualar
plgrimages and ritualas during the time of the
Commagene Kingdom.These magnificent
monumentes hidden away from the eyes
of motuals during the subsenquent eighteen
centuries were discoverd in the quater of the last century.
Since the 1950 s Turkish German and
American scientits have been conducting
experimentes carrying out excavations and
researching various sites especially at the
sites of the two capitols of kingdom Somasota
and Arsemia and the Nemrud summit.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

The Cendere Bridge (2)

The construction of the bridge was done by the
roman engineers of the 16th legion stationed in
Samosata during the reign of emperor Septimius Severus.(193-211)
As we see it todat there is one column at
one end of the bridge and 2 columns at the
other each one being nearly 10 meters high.
Originally there were 2 columns at each end
dedicated to the Roman emperor Septimus
Severus and his wife Juie Domna at one end and
ther two sons Caracalla and Geta at the other.
However following the decease of Septimus
Severus when Caracalla had his brother
Geta killed in the battle for the throne the column
dedicated to Geta was also torn downç
The inscription on the columns left standing
gives information on the constrıction and restoration of the bridge.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

The cendere Bridge

The cendere Bridge
Cendere creek the encient chabinas joins Kahta (The Nymphaios) one of the tributaries ıf

Fırat ( Euphrates).
These majestic bridge spanning the

Cendere creek also called by the same

name is literally a masterpiece of

architecture an ona of the most well-preserved

bridges of Roman times and is still in use.

Until recently there was no restriction on the

weight and the kind of vehicles over 18 ton and tracked ones is put up.
The bridge was erected where the creek narrows

down to 30 meters.It is 7 meters wide and 120 meters long.

Its two spans are based on the rocks on either side of the river.

The main arch is made up of 92 blocks each weighing many tons.

At the very centre which is also the highest point on the bridge is the hey stone.

There is a smaller arch next to the main arch to let the excess

water through which is likelly to flow in some seasons.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Arsameia Ruins (Arsameia Of Nymphaios)

Arsameia the summer capital of the Commagene Kingdom is located

between the villages of

Damlacık and Kocahiser (Kahta) to the east of Kahta (Nymphaios) Brook.

Besides many relief statues and stela on the ceremonial road the site also has the longest

Greek inscription ever found in Turkey In the place where the inscription is

there is a sacred corridor descending 150 steps and on

the upper part are the remains of a palace.

Northern Terrace

The Northern Terrace is actually a 180 m long ceremonial road
connecting the eastern and
western terraces.
There are uncompleted stela an pedestals on this terrace.

Western Terrace

On the western terrace are also giant statues of gods sitting on their thrones as on the eastern terrace and ad a statue of Antiochus I and reliefs depicting the king shaking hand with gods.

In this part there is also a horoscope relief of a lion related to asrology.The depiction of the moon and stars on this relief are associated with the date jully 7,62 BC.This is The date on wich Antiochus ascented to the throne.sunset is watched from this terrace.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Mount Nemrud Ruins

There are mervellous remains on top of Mount Nemrud which is at adictance of 87 kms from the city of adiyaman 77 kms from the Arsemia ancient road and 53 kms from the districty of Kahta.
This tumulus is at altitude of 2206 meters on the Eastern Taurus Range overlooking the Euphrates River and surrounding plains.

Here there is a tumulus formed by piling crushed stones on the mausoleum which was built for Antiockus I King of Commagene.

On terraces that surround the tumulus there is an altar as well as giant busts an stela in the Grecı-Roman style.

Eastern Terrace

Here are giant God statues sitting on 10 m high thorones which are lined up facing east.Statues on this terrace are respectively a protective eagle representing the domainance of the Commagene over the sky a protective lion domanince of the Commagene ove the earth King Antiochus I Fortuna (Tyche) Zeus,Apollo and Heracles.Behind the thorones there is the thorones there is the testament (Nomos) of king Antiochus consisting of 237 lines on religious and social issues To the north an south of the terrace there are relief steas of the royal family.The altar and statue of a sitting lion are also on this terrace.lt is from this tterrace that sunrise can be viewed with all its beauty.